How COVID-19 has affected family history research - and why now is the perfect time to start doing it yourself
By Hûw Steer, Family History Films
We’ve just finished work on a film many months in the making. It features a lot of footage of our client at work with their business, touring new locations, talking to happy employees in busy shops. It paints a picture of a thriving, busy company - but now things are, of course, very different. Our client is coping well with the impact of COVID-19 and planning for the world beyond isolation - but watching that footage back now almost feels like looking at a completely different world.
Leicester Square, London, before and after lockdown began
It’s safe to say that COVID-19 has turned the world upside-down. Here at Family History Films we’re fortunate to be able to keep working - and in fact we’re busier than ever. We’re undertaking research not just for our usual bespoke films but also for some exciting new projects. We’ve been delving into entirely new areas with some recent clients, taking a look at the rich histories of Uganda and India. We’re already planning our visits to these countries, and in the meantime we’ve been immersing ourselves in the stories of their pasts.
More and more people have come to us asking about starting their own projects. ‘Lockdown photos’ is trending across social media platforms, as people reflect on their memories, whether alone or with their loved ones, over the phone or in person. My grandparents and I have been exchanging plenty of stories about our family, which they’ve really enjoyed doing. Getting your elderly relatives involved is a great idea, for their enjoyment and to keep everyone’s minds active.You could even get those old photos down from the attic and start sorting them out - perhaps as the beginning of your own archive.
One of our recent clients taking our team on a walk down their memory lane
Start your family history project now, and you can begin capturing not just the past but the ever-changing present.
If you’d like to get started on your own family history project, contact for a free, no-obligation consultation.