What's Love Got To Do With It...(Or The Top 5 Reasons People Choose A Family History Film) — FAMILY HISTORY FILMS

What's Love Got To Do With It...(Or The Top 5 Reasons People Choose A Family History Film)

People ask us to make a Family History Film for a number of reasons: as a unique gift, a legacy for younger generations or ‘just because’.

In going through the journey with them – from the research and story-building to the filming and then putting it all together into a beautiful final package – we’ve found that clients can have a number of reactions - and here are the Top Five:


Commissioning your own Family History Film can be an emotional business – but mostly positive, uplifting emotions!  Of these the most consistent reaction is that a Family History film brings joy.  In fact, it’s the reason we started the business. There’s nothing quite like the look on a client's face when he or she sees the final product.

Bringing Family Together

Many of our clients tell us how much they have enjoyed re-establishing contact with relatives and friends who for too long had remained just ‘one phone call away’. There’s nothing quite like a common interest to bring people together.  But don’t worry – we only talk to and include people you ask us to in the final film.

Finding Out The Unexpected

Some clients have already completed much of their family research, while others know little or nothing about their backgrounds.  Whichever it is, we love finding out new things and from the very first phone call we go the extra two miles through research and story making to include unexpected surprises.  The reaction is priceless!


While a Family History Film is a very personal project – the films are not for broadcast or online distribution of any kind and client confidentiality it a huge priority for us – we’ve found that clients love sharing the DVDs with members of their family and close friends.

The Journey

Whether it’s a relief for the time poor client that living relatives have been filmed and the story has been told, perhaps the joy, the family bonding or the fascinating details we discover, or just anticipating the final product itself, our clients love the journey they undertake with us.
